Saturday 27 April 2013




Scientific name                                  :                       cocos nucifera 
Family                                               :                       Arecaceae
Genus                                               :                       Cocos

Coconut tree is the state tree of Kerala. In Kerala, coconut tree is called Kalpavriksha and is a tall and branchless tree. The fruit of the tree is big and oval shaped. Inside the fruit lies the thick brown fibre which surrounds the hard shell. The sweet and the pleasant edible material and the milk stay within this shell. It is used in the preparation of almost all kinds of dishes in Kerala. Oil extracted from ‘Copra’ obtained by drying the edible part is used for cooking, for making shampoos and can be applied to the hair for its enrichment. After the oil is extracted the copra is used as a food for fowls and cattle. Oil is used in the manufacture of soaps and candles. Coir is the solid skin of the nut and is used for making mats and strong ropes which are durable in salt water. Tender coconut water is a natural healthy drink and is good for dysentery, vomiting etc. Toddy obtained from coconut tree is a beverage. The leaves are used for thatching and the trunk is used for roof beam and bridges. The hard cases of the nuts are used for manufacturing cups and vessels.

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