Thursday 2 May 2013



  • Scientific name                             :      Saraca asoca
  • Family                                          :       Fabaceae
  • Genus                                           :       Saraca
  • Kingdom                                      :       Plantae
  • Phylum                                         :      Mangnoliophyta
  • Species                                        :       Indica
                                    The flowers are flame coloured, fragrant and are considered that of kamadeva, God of romance in Hindu mythology. The skin of the bark, leaves, fruits and flowers of Asoka are used for medicinal purpose. It is used for the treatment of uterine bleeding, dysmenorrheal-painful menstruation, bleeding piles, and many other diseases. This herb is rarely used externally and when used, the paste of its bark-skin is good for fighting pain associated with swelling. It can be used internally by women for treating various gynecological disorders. Asoka blooms in the summer and produces fruits in October. The fruit is bitter and astringent in taste, pungent in post digestive effect and has a cold potency. It helps to reduce vata and kapha dosas.

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