Wednesday 1 May 2013



  •     Scientific name                      :       Ficus religiosa
  •     Family                                   :        Moraceae
  •    Genus                                     :        Ficus
                  It is also called as Arasu or Bodhi and it is of great medicinal values. Peepal is closely linked with Indian culture. Most of the temple premises have vast spreading peepal trees, which was once a platform for social gatherings of devotees. It is considered as a sacred tree and its leaves are used for religious purposes. It is believed that Lord Krishna passed away under this tree after which the Kaliyuga had begun. Lord Buddha attained enlightenment meditating under the Peepal tree. Peepal leaves have numerous benefits as a result of which it is used in ayurveda. It is especially useful for patients suffering from jaundice to control urine. For constipation problem, there can be no better remedy. Peepal leaves can help to get rid of mumps. Having very thick leaf strength, peepal contributes much to strengthen the ozone layer releasing large amount of oxygen at any time.

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